
Keeping Our Bison Happy

Our focus is on grass-fed pasture raised bison. Currently, we have two farms where our herds roam. The hay for winter feeding is grown on our other farm to ensure the bison have a variety of hay for feed in winter. Our property has an amazing topography that provides variety and ample trees/shade for bison to enjoy and protection during the winter months. Although we have a creek running through the property we have fenced it off to keep the water clean for our community. We use environmentally friendly solar energy to power our water pump and delivery systems. For additional water security we have installed a solar powered well system as a secondary water source. We make sure our bison get a variety of grasses to supply them with sufficient nutrients and minerals naturally in addition to the free choice minerals we provide.

We go the extra mile to ensure that our animals are healthy and our farm is sustainable. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to reach out.

We take great care in ensuring our herd is healthy. We draw blood annually for analysis to make sure the bison do not develop any nutritional or mineral deficiencies. They are vaccinated against diseases and we work with our veterinarians to ensure optimal health. Our goal is to make sure they are healthy and thriving.

Taylor Livestock Partnership

We partner with Taylor Livestock to supply some of our hay for the animals. If you are interested in learning more about Taylor Livestock and their services please click here

Why We Use Rotational Grazing

One purpose of subdividing our farm into different pastures, is to  better control the length of time and place where bison graze. This allows shorter graze periods and more even distribution of the animals over the course of a grazing season. Some of the advantages include: 

  • Prevention Of Overgrazing
  • Plants Recover Quicker If Selectively Grazed
  • Leaves more grass on pasture & allows greater removal of CO2 from atmosphere.
  • Improved Parasite And Fly Control
  • Freedom Of Movement In A Pasture Increase Physical Fitness
  • Less soil erosion

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